To everything (turn turn turn)

Usually, I am a person who really does not like change. However recently I have discovered that I have changed. And now it seems I am more welcoming when it comes to change. Strange.

On a related note (though it may seem unrelated), I recently discovered that the song "Turn! Turn! Turn!" by The Byrds is a complete allusion to a passage in the bible. -- Unfortunately, I did not know this when writing about it in the songbook. -- I have always really liked this song for the seemingly lighthearted way it presents life's ever-evolving circumstances, but I have never actually considered forcing my personality to alter and accept change more graciously. It seems that it has occurred in one sense, on its own. (Though not really on its own).

Anyhow, since I have (or perhaps I should begin saying "have had") -- since I have had such an aversion to change, I am finding the times surprising as change has been something almost idealized in my mind as of late. I made changes to some of my daily ways recently and I have adjusted rather well. My room has been slightly rearranged to make space for an extra shelf…and surprisingly I am quite enjoying it.

It is so strange to welcome change…for a change. Perhaps this is all part of the change.

Change, which comes so unexpectedly (at least it seems so most of the time) has changed me. What a time. The smile book (a.k.a. the "old-man-giving-advice" book) is going to be fun to update.