Within arms reach

Yesterday, I had a conversation with a friend - we talked for many hours over several topics -- of course, at one point the pandemic came up, something my friend brought up was how there are so many times in life where we do not recognize the pleasure of a time while it is happening, but only sometime after.

From this, I began to think over this statement that I had heard many a time in the past, and have always disagreed with somewhat. I felt that the moments I enjoyed most in life (for example, performing in concerts) I had truly felt the joy of the moment, and recognized how fleeting it was and appreciated it. I did not think that I had missed it, the way the saying says we tend to do.

However, yesterday I decided to look at this thought a bit differently and recognized within myself, some element in truth in the so often quoted statement. I have come to think that sometimes one does not recognize the most miniscule pleasures of life -- the one I discovered yesterday through our conversation was the pleasure - the value, of sitting next to someone.

As I think of it, it contributes to a sense of closeness. Being able to sit right beside someone on a train, or a park bench, or in a class - anywhere really. The element of trust, the recognition of the other's humanity as you let someone encompass the space around you. How beautiful it is to let someone be within arms reach, close enough to comfort with a hand on the shoulder - it seems I have been beckoned to recognize all this now. Which I did not take note of previously, to feel the meaning that exists in and amidst, in between so many. Between those we recognize and even those that we do not.